A Hybrid Scheduling Algorithm for Data Intensive Workloads in a MapReduce Environment

Authors: , Tyler Simon, Milton Halem, David Chapman, Quang Li

Book Title: 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing


Abstract: The specific choice of workload task schedulers for Hadoop MapReduce applications can have a dramatic effect on job workload latency. The Hadoop Fair Scheduler (FairS) assigns resources to jobs such that all jobs get, on average, an equal share of resources over time. Thus, it addresses the problem with a FIFO scheduler when short jobs have to wait for long running jobs to complete. We show that even for the FairS, jobs are still forced to wait significantly when the MapReduce system assigns equal sharing of resources due to dependencies between Map, Shuffle, Sort, Reduce phases. We propose a Hybrid Scheduler (HybS) algorithm based on dynamic priority in order to reduce the latency for variable length concurrent jobs, while maintaining data locality. The dynamic priorities can accommodate multiple task lengths, job sizes, and job waiting times by applying a greedy fractional knapsack algorithm for job task processor assignment. The estimated runtime of Map and Reduce tasks are provided to the HybS dynamic priorities from the historical Hadoop log files. In addition to dynamic priority, we implement a reordering of task processor assignment to account for data availability to automatically maintain the benefits of data locality in this environment. We evaluate our approach by running concurrent workloads consisting of the Word-count and Terasort benchmarks, and a satellite scientific data processing workload and developing a simulator. Our evaluation shows the HybS system improves the average response time for the workloads approximately 2.1x faster over the Hadoop FairS with a standard deviation of 1.4x

Type: InProceedings

Tags: Hadoop, MapReduce, Scheduling, Workflow

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