Using OWL in a Pervasive Computing Broker

Authors: , Tim Finin, Anupam Joshi

Book Title: Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems, AAMAS-2003


Abstract: Computing is moving toward a pervasive context-aware environment in which agents with limited resources will require external support to help them become context-aware. In this paper, we describe an agent based architecture called Context Broker Architecture (CoBrA) to help these agents to acquire, reason about and share context knowledge. A key component in our architecture is an explicit context ontology defined using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This ontology models the basic concepts of people, agents, places, and presentation events. We also describe a use case scenario and prototype design of CoBrA in an intelligent meeting room environment.

Type: Article

Tags: agent, context-aware, ontology, owl, semantic web

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