Integrating Ecoinformatics Resources on the Semantic Web

Authors: , Andriy Parafiynyk, Joel Sachs, Li Ding, Sandor Dornbush, Tim Finin, Taowei Wang, Allan Hollender

Book Title: Proceedings of the 15th International World Wide Web Conference


Abstract: We describe ELVIS (the Ecosystem Location Visualization and Information System), a suite of tools for constructing food webs for a given location. We express both ELVIS input and output data in OWL, thereby enabling its integration with other semantic web resources. In particular, we describe using a Triple Shop application to answer SPARQL queries from a collection of semantic web documents. This is an end-to-end case study for the semantic web’s utility for ecological and environmental research.

Type: InProceedings

Tags: ecoinformatics, food web, owl, rdf, semantic web, swoogle

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