Towards Distributed Service Discovery in Pervasive Computing Environments

Authors: , Anupam Joshi, Yelena Yesha

Book Title: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing


Abstract: The paper proposes a novel distributed service discovery protocol for pervasive environments. The protocol is based on the concepts of peer-to-peer caching of service advertisements and group-based intelligent forwarding of service requests. It does not require a service to be registered with a registry or lookup server. Services are described using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). We exploit the semantic class/subClass hierarchy of OWL to describe service groups and use this semantic information to selectively forward service requests. OWL-based service description also enables increased exibility in service matching. We present simulation results that show that our protocol achieves increased efciency in discovering services (compared to traditional broadcast-based mechanisms) by efciently utilizing bandwidth via controlled forwarding of service requests.

Type: Article

Tags: advertising, manet, owl, p2p, pervasive computing, semantic web, service discovery

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